
(Plus #350 Filing Fee*)

Search, Opinion, Filing, Minor And Major Responses




(Plus #350 Filing Fee*)

Search, Opinion, Filing, Minor Responses




(Plus #350 Filing Fee*)

Filing, Minor Responses

  • Licensed U.S. attorney files your federal trademark application.

  • Attorney overturns minor USPTO Office Actions for free. Application monitored throughout its lifetime.

  • Attorney available for your questions before and after filing.

  • Comprehensive USPTO database and common law conflict search performed by the attorney. Free second search on alternative mark if needed.

  • Legal opinion on odds of success of your trademark drafted by attorney and emailed to you.

  • Attorney researches, drafts, and files any legal argument that might be needed to overcome a major USPTO Office Action.

  • One-year Markhound Watch membership (a $249 value).

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JPG Legal


Super Lawyers@

Jeremy Peter

Green Eche

Selected in 2021 and 2022

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JPG Legal

7 Reviews


Republic Restoratives

Republic Restoratives, a D.C.-based, woman-owned distillery, wanted to dedicate a whiskey to the women who inspired them. The United States Patent and Trademark Office, however, disagreed with their vision and rejected their trademark application for being “named after a living person.”

Kara Swisher presents Hillary Clinton with Rodham Rye whiskey live on MSNBC.

Fortunately, Jeremy Peter Green Eche was their trademark attorney. He quickly drafted and filed an Office Action Response, citing various precedents and statutes, and the rejection was overturned. Now Rodham Rye is being sold in a multitude of stores around the East Coast.

Menu background photo by Denis Labrecque. Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.    

Attorney Advertising.

163 23rd Street, Ground Floor
Brooklyn, NY 11232
(917) 268-7054

Over 2,500 U.S. Trademarks Registered.

JPG Legal is a law firm specializing in U.S. trademark conflict-checking and registration. We’re the law firm of record for over 2,500 successful U.S. trademark registrations. Our affordable, flat-fee packages can be purchased online by clients based anywhere in the world.

JPG Legal and its attorneys have been profiled on USA Today, CNBC, CNN Money, NPR’s Morning Edition, WIRED, MSNBC, Forbes, the New York Daily News, HLN, The Hollywood Reporter, CNN Politics, DCist, ABA Journal, Vox.com, CNET, Mic.com, NBC News, Refinery29, the Globe and Mail, and several other news sources.

Have additional questions?

  • Check out the Frequently Asked Questions below.
  • If you want us to take over a trademark application that you’ve already filed, go here instead.
  • Call us at (917) 268-7054‬. Se habla español.
  • If your question isn’t answered in our FAQ below, email us at info@jpglegal.com.

Frequently Asked Questions

Jeremy Peter Green Eche, the founder and managing attorney, is licensed to practice law in New York and Washington, D.C., but we represent clients from all over the United States and the world, ranging from Amazon sellers to retail chains and large IT companies. Being in the same location as your trademark attorney has no tangible effect on your trademark’s chances of reaching registration. The bar licensing information for the attorneys at JPG Legal can be found on our About page.
JPG Legal is based in the neighborhood of South Slope, Brooklyn in New York City.

Jeremy Peter Green Eche attended Northwestern University School of Law on a full tuition scholarship.

We’re a small law firm and sometimes we get sick or bogged down in litigation. We aim for a one-week turnaround time, but it may take us as long as or longer than two weeks to give you a major update, whether that means that we have a legal opinion for you, that we’ve filed your trademark application, or that we need more information. For packages that include a search and legal opinion, we generally file the application within two weeks after you’ve given us consent to file. After we’ve filed, we will email you to let you know, with proof-of-filing attached.
If you need the application filed immediately, choose any of our packages and add our expedited filing option for $150 for our Basic package or $300 for our Value and Safe packages on our form.
Once the application is submitted, we should hear an initial answer from the USPTO after four (4) months, though lately they’ve been taking about six (6) months because of a high volume of trademark applications. If everything goes right, you should have a fully registered trademark in 9 to 12 months, at which point you can stop using the TM symbol and start using the ® symbol next to your brand.

No, most of our clients do not need to have any documents ready. You do not need any business formation documents or sales invoices in order to register a trademark in the US. If we do need any documents from you, we’ll ask you for them after you’ve retained us.
All of the information we need from you is asked for on our online form, and it’s pretty basic information (what word/logo/slogan you want to register, what goods/services you want to register them for, what your mailing address is, etc.).

You can use the TM symbol whenever you want (even before filing a trademark application). The TM symbol simply means that you consider yourself to have “common law” rights to your trademark, and it has very little legal significance. In the United States, you can only use the ® symbol next to your trademark when it is fully registered at the federal level, which is what we help you with.

While your mark will not be fully protected until you’ve reached registration, you do gain two things on the day you file your trademark application. First, your application will have priority over any trademark application that has a later filing date than yours. Second, once you do reach registration, you will have retroactive trademark protection going back to the day you filed your application, meaning you can threaten anybody who started using an infringing mark after you filed your application, even if they started using it before you actually reached registration.

Between the 5th and 6th year following registration, you have to file a maintenance document with the USPTO to keep your trademark alive. Between the 9th and 10th year following registration, you have to file a renewal for your trademark. Costs depend on how many classes your trademark has and what basis you registered the trademark under. Our form for trademark maintenance and renewal is here. We will try to remind you when your maintenance and renewal deadlines are coming up, but it’s not something we can guarantee because they’re so far in the future.

JPG Legal uses specialized, powerful search software to help us advise you on the viability of your proposed trademark. Our software automatically searches for partial matches, spelling variations, phonetic equivalents, translations, and other common causes of refusal. This software searches the USPTO trademark database as well as various common law databases.
However, the search that comes with the Value and Safe packages is valuable not because the attorney searches a specialized database (or Google) and tells you if the name you want is taken — it’s valuable because the attorney uses their experience to advise you when the situation is unclear. We know what to search for and how to identify whether any existing trademarks and brands are problems.
Often it’s not the exact phrase being used that’s the issue, but rather a similar phrase, partial match, phonetic equivalent, spelling variation, or translation in a related, but not identical, industry.
Clients also frequently don’t realize that one of the words in their name is descriptive or generic in their industry, thus reducing the distinctiveness of their brand name. For example, if you’re a furniture company with the brand name SASSYCHAIR, the USPTO will consider SASSY the more significant part of your brand when they analyze your trademark application. If all words in your mark are considered descriptive or generic, you may not be able to reach registration at all, even if there are no similar trademarks in the database.
We give you a summary of the potential issues with the trademark, and break it down to an estimated percent chance of reaching registration. We also evaluate whether you’re likely to be sued for using the name.
Note that the Basic package (filing and responses to minor office actions with no search) is meant for people who are already heavily invested in their brand names, have been selling their product for years, know that they’re not going to change it at this point, and for whatever reason don’t have a large enough legal budget to pick the Safe package (which includes responses to major office actions).
Also note that our trademark form also offers a standalone search option for $399. If you decide to upgrade from the search-only package to the Value or Safe package, you will have to pay an additional $100 or $150 upgrade fee, respectively, plus the difference in cost.
For the Value, Safe, and Search-Only packages, the free backup search and the accompanying backup legal opinion can only be used if you decide not to move forward with your first choice of trademark. The backup search must be performed on a trademark being proposed as a replacement for the first trademark. You cannot use the free backup search if you decide to move forward with your first choice of trademark.

We accept credit/debit card and PayPal. If you would like to pay by some other method, such as wire transfer, let us know by emailing us.

Yes. As long as you are represented by a US-licensed attorney (like us), there is absolutely no problem with using a foreign home address or foreign business address for a U.S. trademark application. You may file as a foreign individual or as a foreign business entity. There is no extra cost or paperwork required for foreign people and individuals. Get started now.
If you want us to use a foreign trademark application or registration as the basis for registering our application here in the United States, we charge an additional fee of $50 per class because of the additional time we need to spend on such applications making sure the goods/services identifications are altered to be compatible with the U.S. Trademark Identification Manual. We’ll send you a separate online invoice for this fee after you’ve submitted our form, if you indicate that you wish to use a foreign application/registration as your filing basis.

Either way is fine, but there are some advantages to filing with an LLC or other business entity listed as the owner of the trademark. Filing with a business entity is helpful because you won’t have to re-assign ownership of the trademark if you sell the business to somebody else.
Filing as a business entity is also good for individuals who do not wish for their personal details to be made public. Several websites “crawl” the USPTO trademark database, ensuring that applicants who file as individuals have their names, mailing addresses, and countries of citizenship listed prominently on Google and other search engines in connection with their trademark.
We offer instant business entity formation services on our business services page if you are interested in forming a U.S. LLC or corporation. As soon as you’ve requested an entity formation from us, you may then list that entity’s details on our trademark form.
If you wish to assign/transfer the rights of your trademark later on, we charge $250 to draft and customize a trademark assignment document for you and record it with the USPTO, plus a $50 filing fee per trademark.

There are two main reasons:
1. Ease of client acquisition. Most attorneys have a difficult time acquiring clients. They spend a lot of time and money attempting to acquire clients and they try to bill their existing clients for as many little tasks as they can in order to make a living from a relatively small book of clients. The attorneys who do have plenty of clients have spent decades networking and tend to bill at “partner” rates of anywhere from $500 to $1500 an hour because this is how the legal profession rewards them for acquiring enough clients to make themselves rich and provide livings for the associates working under them. JPG Legal has no trouble acquiring clients so we don’t worry about maximizing our revenue from each individual client the way other firms do.
2. Trademarking doesn’t actually take that much time. It simply doesn’t take much time to perform a conflict search or file a trademark application. The client is paying our attorneys for experience and expertise, not time. Traditional trademark attorneys waste a lot of time and bill their clients for it, primarily because of the fore-mentioned difficulty traditional attorneys have in acquiring clients. Because we work efficiently and have plenty of clients, we can charge 25-50% of what other trademark attorneys charge and manage to earn a good net hourly rate. You can read more about our business model here.

Yes. Call us at (917) 268-7054. However, our business model primarily involves communicating by email, so that’s our preferred method of communication whenever possible. Most attorneys love speaking on the phone because they bill their clients for the time spent on the phone. On the other end of the spectrum, “legal services” companies don’t charge for phone calls because they have underpaid, under-qualified customer service representatives answering their phones.

We offer unlimited phone time for our clients (and prospective clients) at no cost, but we hope that clients understand that we are able to keep our fees low because we’ve managed to digitize most of our processes. If we are having trouble returning your call because we have upcoming deadlines or a deluge of tasks during a particular week, we urge you to put your thoughts into an email if possible. Also note that though you may call us at any time, as a policy we do not schedule phone calls ahead of time.

The Basic package (filing and monitoring with no search) is meant for people who are already heavily invested in their brand names, have been selling their product for years, know that they’re not going to change it at this point, and for whatever reason don’t have a large enough legal budget to pick the Safe package (which includes responses to major office actions).

The search that comes with the Value and Safe packages is valuable not because the attorney searches a database (or Google) and tells you if the name you want is taken — it’s valuable because the attorney uses their experience to advise you when the situation is unclear. We know what to search for and how to identify whether any existing trademarks and brands are problems.

Often it’s not the exact phrase being used that’s the issue, but rather a similar phrase, partial match, phonetic equivalent, spelling variation, or translation in a related, but not identical, industry.

Clients also frequently don’t realize that one of the words in their name is descriptive or generic in their industry, thus reducing the distinctiveness of their brand name. For example, if you’re a furniture company with the brand name SASSYCHAIR, the USPTO will consider SASSY the more significant part of your brand when they analyze your trademark application. If all words in your mark are considered descriptive or generic, you may not be able to reach registration at all, even if there are no similar trademarks in the database.

We give you a summary of the potential issues with the trademark, and break it down to an estimated percent chance of reaching registration. We also evaluate whether you’re likely to be sued for using the name.

Note that our trademark form also offers a standalone search option for $399. As with the Value and Safe packages, this option comes with a second search if the results of the first search are largely negative. If you decide to upgrade from the search-only package to the Value or Safe package, you will have to pay an additional $100 or $150 upgrade fee, respectively, plus the difference in cost.

An “Office Action” is a refusal or rejection issued by the USPTO for a trademark application. Most Office Actions are “minor” or “procedural” Office Actions, meaning the USPTO examiner needs a relatively minor amendment made to the trademark application, such as a word disclaimer, a translation, a change to the goods/services classification, or a new specimen. Most trademark service providers with low initial fees earn a large portion of their revenue by charging additional fees to handle these types of Office Actions. JPG Legal responds to these Office Actions for free as part of any of our packages.

Some Office Actions are more “substantive” rather than procedural, though, and the only way to have even a reasonable chance of overturning them is by having an attorney research, draft, and file a legal argument (also known as a legal brief) in response to the rejection. We call these “major” office actions. The most common reasons for these rejections are likelihood of confusion with an existing trademark registration, mere descriptiveness or genericness of the words in the proposed trademark, or that the proposed trademark is “merely a surname”. Some major Office Actions include a combination of these rejections (for example, a client’s application for ELECTRIC APPLE for headphones may be rejected because ELECTRIC is descriptive/generic, thus needing to be disclaimed, and the word APPLE by itself is confusingly similar to an existing trademark registration owned by Apple Computers, Inc.).

Only the Safe package includes the researching, drafting, and filing of legal arguments in response to major Office Actions. Normally we charge a flat fee of $850 to put together one of these arguments, because it takes time. Not only do these arguments cost a lot, but they’re only successful maybe 50% of the time. The Safe package is a sort of insurance policy that our clients can purchase before we perform our search, ensuring that if the trademark application is rejected, JPG Legal will be able to take any action necessary to overturn the refusal without cost being a factor.

For Basic and Value package clients who receive a major office action, the $850 full-length argument option is available, but we also offer a shorter argument for $350. The shorter argument is about one page long, doesn’t involve significant legal research, and makes use of arguments that we’ve used in the past and that we know are likely to be successful. It’s not as effective as the full-length argument that is included with the Safe package, but still sometimes succeeds at overturning major office actions (maybe 35% of the time).

Yes, you can upgrade after you receive the legal opinion, but it will be a little more expensive than if you had gotten the Safe package from the start. To upgrade from the Value package to the Safe package after we’ve given you legal advice about your mark, just ask us and we’ll send you an online invoice for $400, which includes the $300 fee difference plus a $100 upgrade charge.

This upgrade option is not available once the USPTO has issued a major Office Action against the application (most commonly this means an Office Action refusing registration because of a likelihood of confusion with an existing mark or mere descriptiveness of the words in the mark). At that point, the full cost will be required if you want us to draft and file a legal brief to attempt to overturn a major Office Action. At the moment, our fee for this is $850.
For Basic and Value package clients who receive a major office action, the $850 full-length argument option is available, but we also offer a shorter argument for $350. The shorter argument is about one page long, doesn’t involve significant legal research, and makes use of arguments that we’ve used in the past and that we know are likely to be successful. It’s not as effective as the full-length argument that is included with the Safe package, but still sometimes succeeds at overturning major office actions (maybe 35% of the time).

Normally we charge a flat fee of $850 to draft and file a response to a major office action that requires a legal argument, e.g. a refusal based on a likelihood of confusion with an existing mark. This price applies whether you’re having us take over an application you already filed, or if you had us file the application originally, but not using the Safe package.

For Basic and Value package clients who receive a major office action, the $850 full-length argument option is available, but we also offer a shorter argument for $350. The shorter argument is about one page long, doesn’t involve significant legal research, and makes use of arguments that we’ve used in the past and that we know are likely to be successful. It’s not as effective as the full-length argument that is included with the Safe package, but still sometimes succeeds at overturning major office actions (maybe 35% of the time, compared to around 50% for the full-length argument).

Filing both a name/word mark and a logo requires two separate applications, but JPG Legal only charges an additional $250 legal fee on top of extra $350 filing fee, as long as the name and logo are for the same brand, meaning that if you want to trademark both the name and logo, you will need to pay an additional $600 ($250+$350) in total if you’re registering your trademark for one class of goods/services.

For most businesses, the most important thing to trademark is their name in plain text. Registering the logo should usually be done as a separate trademark application. Technically you can save money and protect both your name and logo by registering the logo if it contains the name in it, but we don’t recommend this because if you ever change the design of your logo, you will risk losing your federal protection for the name. You can choose whether you want to trademark a word/phrase, a logo, or both using our online form.

Note that if you file for a name or logo and then later want to file for the other, JPG Legal will charge the discounted legal fee if it is paid for within six months of filing the original application. Otherwise we will treat it as a separate trademark package.

A slogan is usually a word mark, the same type of trademark as a brand name. You can certainly register a slogan as a trademark, but we don’t let you bundle it with an existing trademark package the way you can with a logo. You’ll need a separate trademark package with us for your slogan.

Technically, by registering a logo that includes your slogan in it, you can register a slogan at the same time as your logo and perhaps even your brand name. However, we don’t recommend this because it weakens your federal protection for all of your marks. You could also lose your federal trademark protection for all of your marks if you change your logo design or stop using your slogan in your logo. You might also be unable to renew your trademark six years after registration if this is the case.

It’s important for Amazon sellers to register their brands as trademarks. We work with many Amazon sellers around the world and file all trademark applications in a way that Amazon and the Amazon Brand Registry recognize, as a standard character mark. All clients also receive proof of filing immediately after we file the application, and will be updated on the progress of the application as it proceeds toward registration.

Additionally, when you apply for Amazon Brand Registry using a trademark application we filed for you, we will respond to Amazon’s trademark ownership verification email at no additional cost to you. Our clients are currently receiving access to Amazon Brand Registry about 3-7 days after we file the trademark application with the USPTO, which means there’s no need to use an IP Accelerator firm to get fast Amazon Brand Registry access. Amazon accepts pending trademark applications from us.

Our trademark form offers the option to only hire us for a search (and the accompanying legal opinion) for $399. If the results of that search are largely negative, you may have us perform a second search and give you a second legal opinion for free. As with the Value and Safe packages, the free backup search can only be used as a replacement for your first proposed trademark if you decide not to move forward with your first choice of trademark.

If a Search-and-Legal-Opinion-Only client wants to upgrade to the Value package after we’ve given a legal opinion, we charge an additional $100 upgrade fee on top of the difference in price. If they want to upgrade to the Safe package, we charge a $150 upgrade fee on top of the difference in price. In other words, to upgrade from the Search-Only package to the Value package, client must pay the $300 difference, plus $100, plus filing fee ($350 for one class). To upgrade from the Search-Only package the Safe package, client must pay the $600 difference, plus $150, plus filing fee.

If you change your mind about filing a trademark application after we perform a conflict search for you (or after we perform both the first conflict search and the free backup conflict search), you are entitled to a partial refund. For the Value package, we will keep $299 for the conflict search and will refund the remaining professional and filing fees to you. For the Safe package, we will keep $349. Any additional fees paid to add logos or goods/services classes on will also be refunded. If you ordered the trademark document bundle, that $75 fee will not be refunded. If you paid $300 for an expedited Value or Safe package, you’ll get $150 of that back. JPG Legal will also keep an additional $35 in the event of any refund of more than 50% of your original payment. This is meant to cover approximate payment processing fees, which the firm does not recover if a refund is issued.

For the Value, Safe, and Search-Only packages, the free backup search and the accompanying backup legal opinion can only be used if you decide not to move forward with your first choice of trademark. The backup search must be performed on a trademark being proposed as a replacement for the first trademark. You cannot use the free backup search if you decide to move forward with your first choice of trademark.

If our legal opinions for both your first choice of trademark and your second choice of trademark cause you to want to explore a third trademark, you can order a bundle of two more trademark searches/opinions for $200 total.

For the Value, Safe, and Search-Only packages, the free backup search and the accompanying backup legal opinion can only be used if you decide not to move forward with your first choice of trademark. The backup search must be performed on a trademark being proposed as a replacement for the first trademark. You cannot use the free backup search if you decide to move forward with your first choice of trademark. This is true for additional backup search purchases as well. You cannot order a bundle of two more trademark searches and legal opinions for $200 if you decide to move forward with a trademark that we previously gave you a search report and legal opinion for.

If you are already using the trademark in commerce, we find your website or online listing ourselves and take a screenshot as proof of use. In the rare scenario where we fail to find this proof, we will ask you for a photograph of your product or advertising materials.
If you are not using the trademark in commerce yet, we’ll most likely need to file the application under an intent-to-use basis and if our trademark application is successful, we will have to file a follow-up specimen several months after filing, which will cost $250 per good/service class ($100 government fee plus our $150 fee for labor and payment processing) to file. If you are not using the mark in commerce yet for your goods/services within six months of receiving approval from the USPTO (called a Notice of Allowance), you can get up to five six-month extensions of time, for $200 each ($125 for the government fee plus $75 for labor and payment processing) per class.

Fill out a separate one of our trademark forms for each brand.
If you want to register several trademarks at once, we offer a “bulk” discount for three or more trademark packages purchased within a few weeks of each other. This discount is applied as a partial refund/rebate after the third purchase and each further purchase within a short timeframe, in the amount of 20% of the average legal fee (not including the filing fee) of the all of the packages. Note that the discounts are not applied to the first and second packages.
So, for example, if you retain us for five of our Value packages in a short time period, at a normal legal fee of $699 each, your third, fourth, and fifth package will each have a partial refund of approximately $140 applied (20% of $699), for a total discount of $420. The best way to hire us in this manner is to use our online form once for each trademark package, mentioning that you want bulk pricing in the “Additional Notes” section of your form, the third time you submit the form.

Yes, you can file for more than one class of goods/services. The USPTO charges an additional full filing fee for each class, and we charge a small amount to cover payment processing and labor, so you’ll have to pay an additional $350 total fee for each extra class ($250-$350 goes to the government and the rest, if any, goes to payment processing fees and labor). If you want to file an application for more than one class, we can probably figure that out from the list of goods/services you enter on our form, or you may want to mention this in the “Additional Notes” section of our trademark form. Our form will not charge you for more than one class, so we’ll have to send you a separate online invoice for the extra classes after you’ve submitted the form. We will not file for multiple classes without asking you first.
Here is a list of the 45 trademark classes.
Here is the USPTO’s goods/services identification search engine, where you can find out in what class a specific good or service fits.
Most of our clients don’t need more than one class. While legal classes and categories of goods can be fairly specific sometimes (and surprisingly general at other times), trademark protections in the United States are fairly broad. If you own a federal trademark for your brand name for pillows and bedsheets, you will almost definitely win a lawsuit against a competitor who steals your brand name to sell mattress toppers.
Judges and trademark examiners, in their analysis of potential trademark infringement cases, ask themselves whether consumers would be likely to think both brands come from the same source. A reasonable consumer would assume that a company called KOALA SLEEP that sells mattress toppers is the same entity as a company called KOALA SLEEP that sells bedsheets and pillows. So in this case, the KOALA SLEEP who came first would win.

Unlike most law firms and trademark filing services, JPG Legal does not charge any fees to respond to minor USPTO office actions. This means that if the USPTO has an issue with our trademark application that doesn’t require a legal argument, we will respond to it without charging you for that time and labor, regardless of which trademark package you hired us for. This includes things like amendments of goods/services IDs, disclaimers, Supplemental Register amendments, name consents, translations, product inquiries, and other minor changes or requests the USPTO might have during the trademark application process.
If you want to file for products in more than one class of good, you’ll have to pay an additional $350 filing fee per class (this covers government fee, payment processing, and additional labor), which we will send you a separate invoice for after you submit our form. One class is generally enough for most small businesses. See the question above for more information.
In addition, if you are not using the brand in commerce for all of the products on your application on the day we file, we will have to file under an Intent-to-Use basis. This means that if the application is successful, you will have to pay a $250 filing fee ($100 government fee plus $150 for labor and payment processing) per good/service class near the end of the application process in order to complete registration. If you are already using the brand name or logo in commerce when we file, you will not have to pay this fee.
If you want us to use a foreign trademark application or registration as the basis for registering our application here in the United States, we charge an additional fee of $50 per class because of the additional time we need to spend on such applications making sure the goods/services identifications are altered to be compatible with the U.S. Trademark Identification Manual. We’ll send you a separate online invoice for this fee after you’ve submitted our form, if you indicate that you wish to use a foreign application/registration as your filing basis.
Note that none of our packages cover litigation costs if a third party opposes the application or sends a cease-and-desist letter because of the application. We handle some initial communication with third party opposers, but beyond that, we will have to charge our hourly rate of $290, billed in tenths of an hour. We will warn you and get your consent before charging our hourly rate. None of our packages cover formal appeals before the Trademark Trial and Appeals Board either, in the event that our argument against an Office Action is rejected.

MarkHound Watch is a subscription service we offer through which you can have us monitor the USPTO database for new submissions that resemble your trademark, and alert you when we find something objectionable. If you order our Safe package, a one-year MarkHound Watch membership is included for free. This membership is not tied to the trademark application you hire us to file. You may choose any mark for us to monitor, at any time, regardless of the status of the application you hired us to file.

You generally should not copyright a brand name. Brand names should be registered as trademarks, not copyrights. Logos should also be registered as trademarks because they are brand identifiers. You can copyright a logo, but that’s much less useful than registering it as a trademark.

To extend a US trademark application to foreign countries under the Madrid Protocol, we charge a $350 base fee plus $350 per country, plus filing fees, plus an additional 10% of the filing fees to cover payment processing and currency exchange rates. This does not cover office action responses, which may have to be filed by local counsel in those countries.

Filing fees can be calculated at this webpage: https://www.wipo.int/madrid/en/fees/calculator.jsp . The page calculates costs in Swiss Francs. It leaves out an additional $100 fee that the USPTO charges.

Note that we can only file trademarks in foreign countries through the Madrid Protocol for companies or individuals as long as they have a substantial physical presence in the United States (more than just a mailing address; it must be something such as an office, retail store, home, or owned factory).

*For new trademark applications, JPG Legal charges a flat filing fee of $350 per class on top of our package fees. Government filing fees for range from $250 to $350 per class. The $250 application type requires more precision and effort than the $350 application type, so in situations where JPG Legal uses the $250 application type, the remaining $100 is used to cover labor as well as payment processing fees. Occasionally the USPTO will charge a $100 penalty fee if a $250 application does not meet all of the requirements for the lower fee, which is also covered by the $350 filing fee paid by the client.

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